About Hackney HorsesHackney

Hackney horses (also known as Roadsters) were developed in England and greatly improved as a result of a mandate by King Henry VIII. They are considered one of the finest United Kingdom breeds. English society wanted a horse that could carry their heads high, that could have an interesting gait, and could have their knees lifted with ease. Hackney horses fit that demand and were further bred to improve those features, often with the infusion of Arab blood lines. In the late eighteen hundreds, the Hackney horses began their very own studbook and went on to be produced all over the entire world.

It is believed that Hackney horse got their name from the French word ''Haquenee'', which means ''riding horse''. You can find the ...

Hackney  - Horses Breeds

About Hafling HorsesHafling

Originating from Hafling (called Avelengo in Italian), which is near Merano (South Tyrol). Also called Haflinger, Hafling Horse or Pony Avelignese. It is a very old breed, even though it was officially founded in 1874, with its present characteristics, from the coupling of an indigenous horse with the stallion El Bedavi (perhaps of Berber origin).

In the past they were widely used for agricultural work, and although they are still used for those purposes, it is much appreciated today for agro-tourism riding, and in many sporting disciplines. It is a saddle horse.

In 1971 the National Association of Haflinger Horse Breeders – Italy was founded, and it was entrusted with the management of the Stud Book ...

Hafling  - Horses Breeds

About Haflinger HorsesHaflinger

Although this cross breed was met with some resistance, some Haflinger breeders thought that Arabian blood would refine the breed and increase their athletic ability.

The first three generations were approached with the goal of creating foals that improved the original breed. The breeders were successful and the resulting crosses displayed a definite refinement and an increase in their ability.

After many years of cross-breeding, the physical characteristics of the Haflinger breed persist, but have been slightly refined into a more elegant mount. The result is a small (13.5 – 14.5 hands) riding horse with rectangular shape and Arabian features.

They are approachable and kind; easy to handle with a balan ...

Haflinger  - Horses Breeds

About Hagerman HorsesHagerman

Hagerman horses (Equus simplicidens), also called the Hagerman zebras or the American zebras, were a North American species of equine from the Pliocene epoch and the Pleistocene epoch. It is one of the oldest horses of the genus Eqius and was discovered in 1928 in Hagerman, Idaho - it is the state fossil of Idaho.

Hagerman horses first appeared about 3.5 million years ago. They were approximately 110–145 centimeters (43–57 inches) tall at the shoulder. They weighed between 110 and 385 kilograms (243 and 849 pounds). An average Hagerman horse was about the same size as an Arabian horse. They also were relatively stocky with a straight shoulder and thick neck, like a zebra, and a short, narrow, donkey-like skull.


Hagerman  - Horses Breeds

About Hanoverian HorsesHanoverian

Hanoverian Horses (German: Hannoveraner) are one of the most well-loved and wide-spread of the European warmbloods, and they have made a name for themselves in Grand Prix competitions and the Olympic Games.

Hanoverian horses were established in Celle, Germany in 1735 by George II, King of England (1727-1760). They were initially refined with Thoroughbred blood, giving their movement more freedom and lightness. The ideal result was a horse swift and strong enough for competitions while remaining tough enough for general work. By the end of the 18th century there were detailed logs of bloodlines which were carefully monitored. During the Napoleonic Wars much of the Celle stock was depleted, however it picked up again after ...

Hanoverian  - Horses Breeds

About Heck HorsesHeck

Heck horses were developed to resemble the now extinct Tarpan horses. They were created by the German zoologist brothers Heinz Heck and Lutz Heck, director of the Berlin Zoo, at the Tierpark Hellabrunn (Munich Zoo) in Germany. The first foal born from the program was a colt born on May 22, 1933 at the Tierpark Hellabrunn.

The Heck brothers believed that they could recreate the extinct tarpan subspecies by back breeding living descendants. They felt that they could combine and rearrange the genetic material from these living descendants into a recreation of the extinct horse.

They bred together several European small horse and pony breeds reputed to be descended from the tarpan. They used mares of the ...

Heck  - Horses Breeds

About Heihe HorsesHeihe

Heihe horses originated in Heihe City, China. Heihe is situated alongside Heilongjiang, a well-known river basin. The primary sources of livelihood for the inhabitants of Heihe include transportation and agriculture -- horses are important in the accomplishment of both tasks.

Heihe is a place where the temperature is rather unpredictable. This has made the Heihe breed relatively adaptive to sudden shifts in temperature. Since they are well-adapted to variable climates and they can combat diseases well. Unless overtaxed and overworked, they stay strong and healthy.

Mongolian horses were initially sent to Heihe city by the Soulun nation. This was followed by Russians sending horses of an unknown breed after 191 ...

Heihe  - Horses Breeds

About Henson HorsesHenson

Henson (French: Cheval Henson or Cheval de Henson) horses are from the area of the Baie de Somme in Picardy (now part of Hauts-de-France), in north-eastern France. Unlike the majority of French horse breeds, the Henson was created in the late 20th century with the goal to obtain a hardy horse adapted to all forms of equestrian tourism, outdoor riding and leisure.

  Near the end of the 1970s, horse riding was oriented towards outdoor recreation for nature-loving families. This promoted pony trekking as well as driving. This trend implied the search for a leisure horse suited in regions such as the Somme, where equestrian tourism became popular in the area of the Baie de Somme.

In 1974, the birth of two foal ...

Henson  - Horses Breeds

About Hequ HorsesHequ

Hequ, or Hequl, horses are found in the Qinghai Province of China and are used as a pack and draft animal as well as for riding and racing. Hequ means "river zig." They originated in the border area of Qinghai, Sichuan, and Gansu provinces where the Yellow River makes a large "zig." Prior to 1954 the breed was known as Nanfan which is often misapplied to the Tibetan horse. During the T''ang dynasty the Hequ horse was a favored spoil of war in the region.  

During the T''ang dynasty (618-917) the emperor established a large horse facility to develop the calvary. To do so he imported large numbers of horses from western Asian countries to use on the local Tibetan stock. Chief among the breeds influencing the Hequ were a ...

Hequ  - Horses Breeds

About Highland Pony HorsesHighland Pony

Photo supplied by the Highland Pony Society of Australia - Victoria © Highland Ponies originated in the Highlands of Scotland and the islands off Scotland’s west coast. It is believed that they had lived there for thousands of years. Starting from about the 6th century the Dukes of Athol were influential breeders of the Highland Pony and introduced eastern blood to create a hardy, sure footed, and long lived pony suitable for the harsh environment. Their strength and sturdy built made the Highland Pony a popular choice as an army mount, in harness work hauling timber, as a mount for shepherds, and as a pack horse for deer stalkers to carry the shot stags weighing more than 101kg (16 stones) into the hills and back.

In 1923 the Highland Pony Society was founded and until recently the breed ...

Highland Pony  - Horses Breeds

About Hirzai HorsesHirzai

According to Pakistan''s Agricultural Department, the original stock of the Hirzai breed is said to have been derived from a mare owned by the Rind chief named Shol, by an Arabian stallion belonging to a European military officer who accompanied the contingent of Shah Shujah al-Mulk through Shoran in the first Anglo-Afghan War of 1839. Representative animals are still owned by His highness Suleman Dawood Khan of Kalat.  

The predominant color of the Hirzai is gray or white. The head is handsome with a broad forehead; the neck is medium in length, muscular, and arched; the body is compact with a short back and well-muscled loins; the croup is level; the shoulders are well sloped and powerful; the forearms are strong, b ...

Hirzai  - Horses Breeds

About Hispano-Breton HorsesHispano-Breton

Hispano-Breton horses were developed by crossing native Pura Raza Espanola horses with imported Breton draught horses. They are found mainly in two separate areas of northern Spain: Castile and Leon and parts of neighboring Cantabria; and the Pyrenees of Catalonia. They are listed in the Catalogo Oficial de Razas de Ganado de Espana in the group of autochthonous breeds in danger of extinction.

Hispano-Breton  - Horses Breeds

About Holsteiner HorsesHolsteiner

Photo supplied by Shambala Holsteiner Stud - QLD © Holsteiner horses originated in Germany several centuries ago and are probably the oldest German warmblood horse. Holsteiner horses have German, Neapolitan, Spanish, and oriental bloodlines and were very popular in the 17th century in Italy, France, and Denmark. During the 19th century Holsteiner horses were crossed with Yorkshire Coach Horses and Cleveland Bay stallions to produce a tough, active, handsome carriage horse with a willing nature and distinctive high knee action. The also become popular as an army mount.

In 1867 the Prussians founded the Traventhall Stud in Schleswig-Holstein where the breeding of modern day Holsteiner horses began. Today the main breeding center is located in Elmshorn, Germany. After World ...

Holsteiner  - Horses Breeds

About Hucul HorsesHucul

Hucul (also known as Carpathian, Huculska, Hutsul, Hutul, Hutan or Huzul) ponies are small horses from the Carpathian Mountains. They have a heavy build and possess great endurance and hardiness.  

Hucul horses bear some resemblance to the now-extinct Tarpan horse. They are named after the small ethnic group of Hutsuls; however, they have been around much longer the Hutsul people. Hucul horses are probably depicted on the monuments erected by Roman Emperors Domitian and Trajan, as Dacian draft horses. They were mentioned for the first time in written resources around 400 years ago (as the "Mountain Tarpan"). Unlike the Polish Konik, the Hucul has been only rarely cross-bred with domestic horses.  

In the ...

Hucul  - Horses Breeds

About Hungarian Warmblood HorsesHungarian Warmblood

Hungarian Warmbloods (Hungarian: Magyar sportlo) are a Hungarian breed of sporting horse. Like the Furioso-North Star, the Gidran, and the Nonius, they were developed at the Hungarian State Stud at Mezohegyes, in Bekes County in the Southern Great Plain region of south-eastern Hungary. At the end of 2012, their total number was reported to be 1091. The breeders'' association is the Magyar Sportlotenyesztok Orszagos Egyesulete, or Association of Hungarian Sporthorse Breeders.

Hungarian Warmblood  - Horses Breeds