German Dark Bee, also known as The European Dark Bee,
was brought from Northern Eurasia in the colonial era. This subspecies has
since then been segmented further into sub races of German Bees due to their
hardiness. They are able to survive long, cold winters more often than other
strains of honey bees. However, due to their defensive nature and
susceptibility to brood diseases like American and European foulbrood, this stock
has lost significant favor with beekeepers all over the world.
Although this strain of bee stock has lost
significant value in the commercial sector, there are still researchers and
hobbyists working hard to isolate the hardiness of this subspecies through
tracking breeding values and data religiously.
For beekeepers in the US, this strain is most likely
not available, and would not be a good choice unless you are familiar with
natural diseases and parasites in the hive. The current state of things makes
this a difficult race to maintain a healthy colony.