Dutch Landrace Pigs are a
combination of German Landrace and Danish Landrace pigs. They are found in the
southern, eastern, and northern parts of Holland. They are a meaty and
efficient breed of pig.
Dutch Landrace pigs have the same general look
as other Landrace breeds. They are white and they have large floppy ears. They
have been developed to have bigger backs and heavier hams than found on other
types of Landrace pigs. They are also very fertile and are very good mothers.
The swine pig ranchers of Holland lay great
stress on production detail. Ninety percent of the marketed pigs are
crossbreds, but careful attention is given to seed stock. Over 1,000 Dutch
Landrace litters are tested each year for weight and other characteristics.
Dutch Landrace pigs have proven to be not just valuable to the swine
industry of that Holland, but they have been exported to other countries as
well, mainly Japan and Spain.