Photo Source: National Sheep Association |
Charollais Sheep are a medium to large sized sheep. They are
long and well-muscled with thick, deep gigots. The body is long with a
well-muscled broad loin and wide deep chest. The head is free from wool,
pinkish/grey in color sometimes with spots. The line of the shoulders should
retain a wedge shape which is so important for ease of lambing. The legs are
clean, quite short, colored but never very dark. The front legs should not be
set too wide apart and animal must be well balanced. The gigots are well
developed, thick and deep. The breed is primarily a terminal sire and the
fleshing quality is of the highest importance. Excessive bone is undesirable in
the breed; the fineness of bone contributes to the high killing out percentage
achieved by the breed. The fleece is white, fine and dense, the staple length
quite short. Average mature ewe weighs 80-100kg, rams 100-150kg.