Clun Forest Sheep are a very adaptable breed, living equally
happily in the down lands of the South of England or the hills of Wales and
Scotland. They have a low mortality rate and are highly resistant to disease.
They have an alert appearance with a clean open dark-brown face, with a
characteristic covering of wool on the top of the head and ears that are
carried high and forward. The body has a strong muscular neck carried high from
fine shoulders, lengthy good back, deep rib, strong loin, good hock and a deep
and well-rounded rear. Clun ewes are protective and productive mothers.
Longevity is a strong point of this breed. The Clun ewes are used for either
the production of cross bred ewes. Pure Clun lambs are highly prized for their
meat which is lean, dark and full of flavor. The fleece is generally of a high
quality and is very popular in the production of knitting wools and felts.
Content and Photo Source:
National Sheep Association