Zulu sheep are native to South Africa and are predominantly
raised by rural farmers in the province of KwaZulu-Natal. They are raised primarily
for meat. They belong to the Nguni type of sheep.
Zulu sheep are small, multicolored sheep that are well
suited to the harsh conditions and very tolerate to diseases. In addition they
can walk long distances and have good foraging ability.
Nevertheless, their existence is threatened. Their place is
being taken up by less adapted exotic breeds, either by replacement or
crossbreeding. This change is being driven by the perception, held by most
farmers, that indigenous livestock show poorer performance compared to their
exotic counterparts. This line of thinking has been receiving political backing
over the years in many African countries. Thus breeding programs put in place
in Africa have been geared towards improving this presumed low productive
performance through crossbreeding.
Their appearance varies; they are found in multicolored
shades of brown, black, and white wool or hair, and may be fat-tailed or not.
Zulu rams may be polled or horned, and a they have small "mouse