Red Shavers
are a sex linked dual-purpose chicken developed in Canada. They are used most
frequently on small farms.
Their pullets
are reddish-brown with white under feathers, while males are white with a few
red markings on their feathers. They are a quiet breed.
Red Shaver
hens lay from 305 to 315 large brown eggs a year. One four-year-old Red Shaver
chicken in Ottawa was credited with laying an egg with a mass of 143 grams,
which is almost three times the size of a standard medium egg (Typically a
medium egg is 49 g, a jumbo egg is 70 g).
They weight at
18 weeks about 3?1/2 lbs., and after one year of laying weight between 4?1/2 to
5 lbs. They dress out between 3 and 5 lbs.