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About  Cattle Cattle

Breeds of Cattle - D

A| B| C| D| E| F| G| H| I| J| K| L| M| N| O| P| Q| R| S| T,U,V| W,X,Y,Z

About Dairy Shorthorn CattleDairy Shorthorn

The Dairy Shorthorn, a breed of dairy cattle from Britain, has its roots in the Shorthorn cattle from the North Riding of Yorkshire and Northumbria in north-eastern England. Originally referred to as Durham or Teeswater, the breed is now known as the Dairy Shorthorn.

The process of selective breeding for a dairy type of cattle began in the late 18th century, and it is known as the Dairy Shorthorn in the UK, Ireland, Australia, and South Africa and as the Milking Shorthorn in Canada, New Zealand, and the US. The Illawarra Shorthorn of Australia has a significant lineage from the Dairy Shorthorn.

The worldwide status of the Dairy Shorthorn, the Illawarra Shorthorn, and the Milking Shorthorn is secure, but in the UK the o ...

Dairy Shorthorn  - Cattle Breeds

About Dajal CattleDajal

Dajal are a draft type of cattle and are found mainly in the Dajal area in district Dera Ghazi Khan in Punjab Province. They are white or gray, deepening to almost black on the neck, shoulder and hump in mature males. Their average weight is 500 kg for males and 390 kg for females. They are an offshoot of Bhagnari cattle; however, Dajal cattle are comparatively smaller in size and lighter in color.

Dajal  - Cattle Breeds

About Danish Black-Pied CattleDanish Black-Pied

Danish Black-Pied cattle is a breed originating from Denmark. They are known for their high meat production and adaptability to harsh environmental conditions. Danish Black-Pied cattle have a medium to large build, with a black and white coloration, with black on the top and white on the underbelly, legs, and face. They are known for their hardiness, adaptability, and calm temperament, making them a popular choice for both small-scale farmers and larger-scale commercial operations.

Danish Black-Pied  - Cattle Breeds

About Danish Jersey CattleDanish Jersey

Danish Jersey cattle is a breed originating from Jersey Island in the English Channel, and developed in Denmark. They are known for their high quality dairy production and their distinctive appearance, which includes a light to golden brown coat and white markings on the face, legs, and underbelly. Danish Jersey cattle are small to medium in size, with a gentle and docile temperament, making them a popular choice for dairy farming and small-scale operations. They are prized for their rich, creamy milk, which is high in butterfat content and used for dairy products such as cheese, butter, and ice cream.

Danish Jersey  - Cattle Breeds

About Danish Red  CattleDanish Red

Danish Red (also known as Red Dane, Red Danish, Rodt Dansk Malkekvog, and Funen ) cattle are a very important and major breed of dairy cattle in northern Europe. They are raised for both milk and meat production. They were developed in Denmark based on local cattle breeds bred with Angeln cattle form Angeln, Schleswig.  

They have been imported to many other countries throughout the world. They have been used for improving many other local breeds such as Estonian Red, Latvian Red, Belarus Red, Lithuanian Red, Polish Red, Bulgarian Red, Tambov Red, or Russian Red cattle. They are also popular for crossbreeding in tropical countries. Their solid red color has helped make them popular for crossbreeding in the tropical c ...

Danish Red   - Cattle Breeds

About Deep Red CattleDeep Red

Deep Red cattle is a breed originating from the United States. They are known for their distinctive red coloration, and for their high meat production and adaptability to harsh environmental conditions. Deep Red cattle have a medium to large build, with a deep red coat and white markings on the face, legs, and underbelly. They are known for their hardiness, adaptability, and calm temperament, making them a popular choice for both small-scale farmers and larger-scale commercial operations.

Deep Red  - Cattle Breeds

About Devon CattleDevon

Devon cattle first reached what is now the United States in 1623. The ship Charity brought a consignment of red cattle (one bull and three heifers) from Devonshire, England to Edward Winslow, the agent for Plymouth Colony.  

These red cattle of Devonshire, brought in by the Pilgrims, were probably the first purebred cattle to reach North America.  

Devon cattle are red in color, varying in shade from a rich deep red to a light red or chestnut color. A bright ruby red color is preferred and accounts for their nickname, the "Red Rubies." The hair is thick and is often long and curly during the winter; however, coats are short and sleek in summer. They are nicely muscled, fine boned and stocky. Mature bulls ...

Devon  - Cattle Breeds

About Dexter CattleDexter

Dexter cattle are from the southern part of Ireland where they were bred by small ranches and roamed, almost wild, among the local mountains.

It is believed that Dexter cattle were developed as a cross between Kerry cattle and some other breed, perhaps Devon Cattle. It is also believed that a "Mr. Dexter," who was agent to Lord Hawarden, is responsible for developing the Dexter breed.

There are two varieties of Dexter Cattle, short legged and long legged, also referred to as Kerry type. Both types are about equal up for Milk and beef production. The same dam and sire may produce a short legged calf in one mating and a long legged calf the next.

Most Dexters are solid black. Red or dun colored are le ...

Dexter  - Cattle Breeds

About Dhanni CattleDhanni

Dhanni cattle are a multipurpose breed of cattle originating in Punjab province of Pakistan (mainly in Attock, Chakwal, Jhelum. and Rawalpindi). They are used for milk, meat, and draught purposes and also for ploughing. They have many color patterns; and they have different names according to their color patterns. The animals with a white coat with black spots are called Chitta Burga. Black coat with white spots animals are called Kala Burga. The animals with white mottles with brown and black patches are called Nuqra. And the animals with red coat with white spots are called Ratta Burga. Currently the Dhanni cattle are mainly found in Jhelum, Attock, and Rawalpindi districts in Punjab province of Pakistan.

They are med ...

Dhanni  - Cattle Breeds

About Doayo CattleDoayo

Doayo cattle are a breed originating from Cameroon in West Africa. They are known for their high meat production and adaptability to harsh environmental conditions. Doayo cattle have a medium to large build, with a brown to black coat and white markings on the face, legs, and underbelly. They are hardy, adaptable, and have a calm temperament, making them a popular choice for both small-scale farmers and larger-scale commercial operations in Africa. Doayo cattle are also valued for their ability to withstand diseases and parasites, which helps to minimize veterinary costs and improve their overall viability as a breed.

Doayo  - Cattle Breeds

About Doela CattleDoela

Doela cattle are a breed originating from Cameroon in West Africa. They are known for their high meat production and adaptability to harsh environmental conditions. Doela cattle have a medium to large build, with a brown to black coat and white markings on the face, legs, and underbelly. They are hardy, adaptable, and have a calm temperament, making them a popular choice for both small-scale farmers and larger-scale commercial operations in Africa. Doela cattle are also valued for their ability to withstand diseases and parasites, which helps to minimize veterinary costs and improve their overall viability as a breed.

Doela  - Cattle Breeds

About Dølafe CattleDølafe

Dølafe cattle are a non-commercial rare breed with a registered population of 40 heifers (2 years and younger) and 85 cows as of January 1995. They are a small-boned dual-purpose cattle with short legs. They are normally horned but naturally polled animals do occur. They are multicolored, ranging from almost uniformly dark brown or brindle animals to piebald (white), brown and black individuals. Live weight is approximately 450-500 kg.

Dølafe  - Cattle Breeds

About Droughtmaster CattleDroughtmaster

Droughtmaster cattle were developed by crossing Zebu cattle (Bos indicus) with Shorthorn and Shorthorn/Devon cattle in order to breed cattle that did well in the heat and frequent droughts of Northern Queensland in Australia''s hot tropical north.  

Droughtmaster cattle contains approximately 50 percent Shorthorn and 50 percent Brahman bloodlines. They are found throughout most states of Australia, although they are found mainly in Queensland.  

They are most commonly red, but they can vary from a golden honey color to dark red. Droughtmasters are either polled or horned with the majority of cattle being polled. Their heat and tick tolerance, excellent fertility, ease of calving and quiet temperament give ...

Droughtmaster  - Cattle Breeds

About Dulong CattleDulong

Dulong cattle are from the Yunnan Province, China. They feed on bamboo, reed, weeds, etc., and graze on the mountains all year round.

Dulong have a larger body size than the local yellow cattle, with the males weighing from 400-600kg (880-1325 lbs) and the females 350-450 kg (770-990 lbs). They have a black or brown hair coat, white feet and short horns stretching laterally.

Dulongs are late in maturity with the average age at first mating for the males being 3.5 years and the females 4 years. The F1 males obtained from crossing with yellow cattle are infertile, as are the F1 males from the cross between yak and yellow cattle. The chromosome number has been estimated at 2n=58, which differs from those of Bos ...

Dulong  - Cattle Breeds

About Dutch Belted CattleDutch Belted

Dutch Belted (also known as Lakenvelder) are a dairy cattle raised primarily for milk production; but are also good for meat production.

In the 1830s, the Dutch Belted cattle were first imported into the United States. There the breed was exhibited as a rare breed of cattle by P.T. Barnum in his traveling circus. The Dutch Belted Cattle Association of America herdbook was established in 1886. The Association still continues today as the oldest continual registry for the breed worldwide. And the breed became well established in the United States and continued in popularity until about 1940. But the total number of the animals declined worldwide to the point of near-extinction during the 1900s. Currently the Dutch Belted c ...

Dutch Belted  - Cattle Breeds

About Dwarf Lulu CattleDwarf Lulu

Dwarf Lulu cattle are a breed originating from China. They are a small breed, known for their high meat production and adaptability to harsh environmental conditions. Dwarf Lulu cattle have a compact build, with a brown to black coat and white markings on the face, legs, and underbelly. They are hardy, adaptable, and have a calm temperament, making them a popular choice for small-scale farmers and commercial operations in China and other parts of Asia. Dwarf Lulu cattle are prized for their efficiency in converting feed into meat, which helps to minimize feed costs. They are also valued for their ability to withstand diseases and parasites, which helps to minimize veterinary costs and improve their overall viability as a breed.

Dwarf Lulu  - Cattle Breeds


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