The Lampurger breed of cattle is a breed of cattle that originates from the Lampurg region in Austria. They are primarily used for beef production and are known for their high growth rate, good muscling, and good meat quality. Lampurger cattle are medium-sized with a dark red to brown coat, and white markings on their face and legs. They are well-adapted to their native environment, with good resistance to diseases and parasites, as well as strong foraging ability. The breed is well-established in Austria, and there are also populations in other countries in Europe, as well as in South America.
Latvian Blue
The Latvian Blue is a cattle breed from Latvia. It is primarily used for dairy production and is known for its high milk yield, high butterfat content, and good udder health. The breed has a distinctive blue-grey coat color and a calm temperament. It is well adapted to the harsh climates of Latvia and is a hardy breed that can withstand extreme weather conditions. The Latvian Blue is considered to be an efficient and productive dairy breed that is well suited for small-scale dairy farming operations.
Latvian Brown
The Latvian Brown, a captivating sight in the rolling hills of its namesake country, is a cattle breed boasting both history and versatility. Its lineage can be traced back to the Angeln cattle imported in the 19th century, which were then carefully bred to improve local stock. Once known as the Red-Brown Latvian, the breed reached its peak population in the 1980s, with over a million strong.
These cattle are truly a sight to behold. Their rich brown coat, ranging from light to dark shades, contrasts beautifully with their black noses and hooves. Both sexes are naturally hornless, adding to their sleek and elegant appearance.
But beauty isn''t their only asset. Latvian Brown cattle are prized for their dual-purpose nat
The Levantina is a breed of cattle native to the Mediterranean region, particularly in the countries of Spain, Portugal, and Morocco. It is a dual-purpose breed, used both for beef and dairy production. Levantina cattle are characterized by their hardiness and adaptability to harsh climates and poor grazing conditions, making them well-suited to the semi-arid regions where they are found. They have a distinctive appearance, with a blue-gray or silver-gray coat, large horns, and a muscular build. On average, mature bulls weigh between 800 and 1000 kg (1760 to 2200 lbs.), while females weigh between 600 and 700 kg (1320 to 1540 lbs.). Milk production of Levantina cattle is relatively low, but the milk is of high quality and is used to make tr
Limia, Spanish Limiana or in Galician raza Limia, is a primitive cattle breed from the Province of Ourense in Galicia in northwest Spain, which in some features resembles the extinct aurochs.
Their average weight is 900 kg for males and 650 kg for females and the average height at the withers is 148 cm for males and 140 cm for females. The color of the cows is brown, darker on head, neck and legs[1] like other wild type colored cows. Bulls have a darker coat color than the cows, ranging from very dark brown to black, with a light eel stripe and sometimes a light saddle. Both sexes share a lightly-colored mouth.
The primitive anatomy and ecology of this breed makes it valuable for conservation, it is used by TaurOs Projec
Limousin is a very old cattle breed that originated anywhere
from 16000 to 13000 years ago as dated by cave drawings in the French Lascaux
Cave. They were developed in the central Marche and Limousin regions of
southern France. The area is relatively isolated and the cattle were allowed to
develop with little to no external influences. Due to its environment, the
Limousin attained excellent hardiness and adaptability.
In the 1700s and 1800s, there were attempts at producing a
larger strain of Limousin cattle. The resulting cattle while being more massive
also required increased amounts of feed. The bigger Limousin were not an
economically sound option so the project was abandoned and breeding programs
were allowed t
The Limpurger is a cattle breed from Belgium. It is primarily used for beef production, and is known for its good meat quality and high fertility. The breed is characterized by its distinctive blue-black coat and distinctive hump, which is larger in males than in females. Limpurger cattle are medium to large-sized, with mature bulls weighing between 1000-1100 kg (2200-2400 lbs) and females weighing between 700-800 kg (1500-1700 lbs). The breed is well-adapted to the temperate climate of Belgium, and is known for its good adaptability and docility. The Limpurger is a rare breed, with a limited population, and is recognized by breed organizations in Belgium.
Lincoln Red
Lincoln Red are a British breed of red-coated beef cattle. They originated in, and are named for, the county of Lincolnshire in the eastern Midlands of England. They were selectively bred in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries by crossing large local draught cattle of the region with medium-sized Teeswater Shorthorns. They were first known as the Lincolnshire Red Shorthorn, and they were reared for both milk and beef. The polling gene was introduced in the early twentieth century, and the cattle are now usually polled; the word ''shorthorn'' was dropped from the breed name in 1960. In the twenty-first century it is reared for beef.
During the seventeenth century, draught cattle were brought from Holland to the easter
Lineback cattle have distinct black and white markings that run down its back. They were developed in the United States, particularly in Pennsylvania, New York and Vermont, is primarily used for dairy farming and is known for its strong milking ability and high-quality milk. Linebacks are medium-sized, with mature cows weighing 800 to 1000 pounds and mature bulls weighing 1000 to 1500 pounds. These animals are hardy and can adapt to a variety of environments, making them a suitable choice for small-scale dairy farmers.
Lithuanian Black-and-White
The Lithuanian Black-and-White is a breed of cattle originating from Lithuania. They are known for their distinctive black and white markings, with the majority of their coat being black, and white on their legs, face, and underbelly. This breed is primarily used for dairy purposes and is known for their strong milking ability, good quality milk, and high butterfat content. Lithuanian Black-and-White cattle are medium to large-sized, with mature cows weighing between 500 and 600 kg (1100-1300 lbs) and mature bulls weighing between 700 and 800 kg (1500-1800 lbs). They are also known for their hardiness and ability to adapt to different climates, making them a popular choice for small-scale dairy farming.
Lithuanian Red
The Lithuanian Red (Lithuanian: Lietuvos zalieji) is a breed of cattle that were formed by crossing Danish Red cattle with the local Lithuanian cattle. In 1951 the cross was recognized as a new breed. It currently accounts for about 33% of the entire cattle population in Lithuania. The young stock of the Lithuanian Red breed are noted for their rapid growth rate, good food conversion and high carcass quality. When intensively fattened, steers weigh roughly 413 kilograms (911 pounds) as yearlings.Management is performed by the Lithuanian Red Cattle Improvement Association according to the National Red Cattle Improvement Selection Program. The Lithuanian Red Herd book was established in 1924.
Content and Photo Source: Wikipedia.Org
The Lohani cattle, also known as Acchai cattle, gets its name from the Loralai district of Balochistan. Found throughout Pakistan and India, they belong to the zebu breed of cattle commonly found in the hilly regions of the two countries. Initially used for work, the breed now serves for milking purposes.
These draft cattle are smaller than most, with a bull weighing on average between 300-350 kg. Their coats are red with white spots, and they feature a narrow face, small ears, big eyes, a slightly concave forehead with white markings, and long vertical horns measuring 12 to 18 inches.
Originating from Loralai, Pakistan, Lohani cattle are built to withstand the uneven hills of the region, which are typically 3000 to 10
Lombard cattle atr the only autochthonous breed from Lombardia: its origin is around the Apennines situated in five regions, Lombardia, Emilia, Toscana, Liguria and Piedmont.
Today it is at serious risk of extinction. Probably it reached Italy following the barbarians during the sixth century. Actually it is known that the Longobards had brought dark golden red coated cattle into the Po Valley in the sixth century.
Since 1985 the Registry Office of autochthonous cattle breeds and ethnic groups of limited diffusion has been founded, in order to protect those Italian cattle breeds at risk of extinction and to safeguard this genetic heritage. Among them there are the following breeds: Agerolese, Bianca Val Padana (Modene
Longhorn cattle were brought by the Spanish via Mexico into
Texas in the sixteenth century. After the Civil War (1861-65) there was an
explosive increase in their population. Cattle intended for slaughter were
driven slowly along the wide ''cattle trails'', often taking two years to reach
market in the more densely populated north east.
In the extremely hard winter of 1885/86, up to 85% of the
animals died in many areas. After the subsequent extremely dry summer and an
unusually severe blizzard in January 1887, holdings completely collapsed and
the importance of this breed was practically destroyed. In 1964, the Texas
Longhorn Breeders Association of America was formed. At that time there were
less than 1,500 head o
The Lourdaise is a French breed of cattle named after the town of Lourdes and originating from its surrounding rural areas, particularly the cantons of Argeles, Bagneres-de-Bigorre, and Ossun. It was previously used for milk, meat, and draught work, widely distributed in the Pyrenees of southwestern France. In the 20th century, the breed had 25,000 head and more than 200 bulls were approved for public use as sires.
However, breed numbers fell drastically after World War II due to agriculture mechanization, the introduction of specialized single-purpose breeds, and a reduction policy of French minority breeds. By 1983, only 30 Lourdaise cows remained, leading to conservation efforts by the Parc National des Pyrénées, the French Mi
The cross-bred local Criollo cattle of the Hartón del Valle breed with imported European-type dairy cattle of the Friesian and Milking Shorthorn breeds to create the Lucerna, the earliest composite breed developed in South America. By 1972, the composition of the breed had stabilized to 40% Friesian and 30% each of Hartón and Shorthorn. Since the mid-1950s, breeding has focused mainly on improving dairy qualities. In 1986, the Lucerna was present on only 15 farms, but by the end of the century, the number of farms tripled, reaching almost 3,000. In 2018, the total number of Lucerna cattle was reported as 1,028 head, and their conservation status was "not at risk." Some semen is stored for commercial purposes, not conservation.
A breed of beef cattle, known as Luing cattle, was developed on the island of Luing in Scotland by the Cadzow brothers in 1947. The creation of the breed involved crossbreeding a Beef Shorthorn with a Highland cattle and then breeding the progeny with Beef Shorthorns to result in an animal that is three-quarters Beef Shorthorn and one-quarter Highland. The red-brown cattle are moderately sized and known for their hardiness and ability to raise a calf in adverse weather conditions. In 1965, the breed was officially recognized by the British government. Luing cattle are still farmed today, mainly in Scotland but also in other parts of the world.
The Cadzow family continues to farm on Luing and the breed is popular on surrounding isle