Chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus) are domesticated birds that are raised for meat and eggs. There are over 24 billion chickens worldwide. Raising chickens is relatively inexpensive. Because of the low cost, chicken meat (also called "chicken") is one of the most common kinds of meat in the world.
Breeds of Chickens
There are the following breeds of Chickens:
A |
B |
C |
KL |
M |
R |
S |
chickens are an American breed first established as a breed in 1984. Like the
Araucanas, the Ameraucana lays eggs in shades of light blue, however the
Ameraucana does not have the low fertility that its parent breed, the Araucana,
has. The birds themselves have a hefty build are black and shades of grey. The
breed boasts a snazzy beard, ear muffs and a tail.
and Araucanas share many characteristics, however due to different countries
around the world namely the USA and UK, there are some disputes about the
breeds. In the USA, Araucanas and Ameraucanas are similar but different breeds,
while in other countries like the UK, Araucanas and Ameraucanas are considered
the same. The key differences that
chickens are beautiful birds, best known for their speckled feathers and proud
comb. First bred in the 1850''s in the Italian city of Ancona, but later bred
mainly in the United Kingdom and eventually in the United States. Ironically
they are not very popular in Italy and attempts to bring them back to Italy
have been going on since the early 2000’s. They are well known as foragers,
good egg producers, and as show birds.
Ancona’s color is a deep green or beetle green with white speckles at the tip
of each feather. They have a medium sized comb and can have a rose comb or
single comb.Until recently they could
only have a large single comb in shows, but now rose comb varieties are
acceptable. Anconas are one
chickens are blue feathered birds originally from Spain. Their origin is not
entirely known, but the earliest records of it date back to the 1840’s.Their deep
blue feathers make them very easy to spot in a crowd. Andalusians like to
explore and dislike fences and cages, they are able to fly over fences over six
feet tall. They are good foragers, explorers, flyers, egg layers, and are very
robust winter birds.
unique blue feathers are what really distinguish them from other breeds. The
feathers are an almost grey blue laced with streams of dark blue throughout
every feather. Andalusian chickens are odd because not all of their hatchlings
have blue feathers only around fifty percent will be blue. So
Antwerp Belgian Bantam
Antwerp Belgian Bantam chickens, also known as Quail Bantam or Bearded D''Anvers, are a delightful breed similar to Belgian Bearded d''Uccle Bantams, distinguished by their clean-legged appearance and distinctive rose comb instead of a single comb. These tiny bantams are known for their friendly disposition and charming presence, often catching the eye of poultry enthusiasts.
One of the most notable features of Antwerp Belgian Bantams is their unique quail color pattern, which adds to their appeal. Their body displays a beautiful brownish-black hue with subtle hints of straw color, creating an eye-catching contrast. Additionally, their breast showcases a rich bay color, while their head is adorned with black feathers and a bay-co
Appenzeller Spitzhaubens
Appenzeller Spitzhaubens are the national chicken of
Switzerland. They have a rugged physiology and personality suited to the
mountains from which they came. Although rangy and independent, they can
provide 150 medium, orange-yolked, eggs a year. Appenzeller Spitzhauben
chickens sleep in the trees if allowed and will only return to the coop for
feeding. They thrive in cold weather.
Appenzeller Spitzhauben chickens display entertaining
personalities highlighted in their outrageous appearance and heightened by
their free-spirited lifestyle. They derive pleasure through their unrelenting
pursuit of bugs. Long-time owners have nicknamed the breed “Spitz”--a name
which captures the spunk of this rangy chicken from the al
Appenzeller Spitzhaubens
Appenzeller Spitzhaubens are the national chicken ofrnSwitzerland. They have a rugged physiology and personality suited to thernmountains from which they came. Although rangy and independent, they canrnprovide 150 medium, orange-yolked, eggs a year. Appenzeller Spitzhauben chickensrnsleep in the trees if allowed and will only return to the coop for feeding.rnThey thrive in cold weather.
Appenzeller Spitzhauben chickens display entertainingrnpersonalities highlighted in their outrageous appearance and heightened byrntheir free-spirited lifestyle. They derive pleasure through their unrelentingrnpursuit of bugs. Long-time owners have nicknamed the breed “Spitzâ€--a namernwhich captures the spunk of this rangy chicken from the al
chickens are a South American bird originally from chile. They are best known
for being the progenitor of the Ameraucana and Easter Egger. Araucanas are a
fairly rare bird due to a genetic deformity that causes many to die during
incubation. The Araucana has a beard, ear tufts, and can have a tail or not
tail. They lay a large number of eggs in various shades of light blue.
Araucanas are grouped into two categories, the
United States and the United Kingdom. The United States group describes the
Araucana as having a variety of colors, ear tufts and is tailless. The second
group which is in the United Kingdom describes them as having a beard, ear
tufts, and can have a tail. Both categories have a small pea comb.
Aseel, or
Asil, chickens originated from the South Punjab / Sindh area of Pakistan and
India. They are found throughout Southeast Asia, such as Shamo and Thai Game. They
are generally unstandardized in South Asia and India, but popularity has
increased in the western world in recent times with the breed standardized in
the British, Australian, and American standards.
Aseel Chickens
mature slowly but develop into stocky fowl. With a stout constitution, natural
intelligence, and enduring physiology they survive well in free-range
conditions. Aseel’s are broody and some farmers use them to hatch eggs for less
broody breeds. They bear confinement well as long as that confinement also
includes same sex isolation. Aseel
Australorps are the Australian take on the Orpington breed.
They are calm and friendly, and excellent layers of light brown eggs. The
Australorp''s exceptionally soft, shiny black plumage has hints of green and
purple in the sunlight. Peaceful and dignified, Australorps are an absolutely
delightful bird which we highly recommend to anyone who wants a pet chicken
that lays dependably.
This breed originated in Australia developed from Black
Orpingtons imported from England; and the emphasis of the breeding program was
on egg production without sacrificing too much in size and meat quality. Some
sensational results were made in the Australian program, and one hen set a
laying record of 364 eggs in 365 days. Introduced into
Ayam Cemani
Ayam Cemani is an uncommon and relatively modern breed of
chicken from Indonesia. Ayam means "chicken" in Bahasa Indonesia.
Cemani refers to the village on the island of Java this breed originates. They
have probably been used for centuries for religious and mystical purpose. They
were first described by Dutch colonial settlers and first imported to Europe in
1998 by the Dutch breeder Jan Steverink.
Their beak and tongue, black comb and wattles; even their
meat, bones, and organs appear black. However, their blood is normally colored.
The birds'' black color occurs as a result of excess pigmentation of the
tissues, caused by a genetic condition known as fibromelanosis. This gene is
also found in some other black fowl br