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About  Chickens Chickens

Breeds of Chickens - NOPQ

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About Naked Neck ChickensNaked Neck

Naked Neck chickens (also known as Transylvanian Naked Necks or Turken) are a breed of chicken that is naturally devoid of feathers on its neck and vent. They originally are from Transylvania and were largely developed in Germany.

They are often referred to as Turkens because of the mistaken idea that they were a hybrid of a chicken and a turkey. Naked Neck chickens are fairly common in Europe today, but are rare in North America and very common in South American.

The naked neck trait is dominant and is fairly easy to introduce into other breeds. There are other breeds of naked necked chicken, such as the French naked neck or Italian Naked neck, which is often confused with the Transylvanian.

Naked Neck  - Chickens Breeds

About Nankin Bantams ChickensNankin Bantams

Photo from <a href='' target = -blank class = body>Mike Sumner</a> Nankin Bantams, or just Nankins, are a British bantam chicken. They are a true bantam, a naturally small breed with no large counterpart from which it was miniaturized. They yellowish buff colored, and the name is thought to derive from the color of Nankeen cotton from China.

There are two varieties of Nankin chickens, differentiated by comb type; the single comb Nankin has a large comb with five points, and the rose comb has a medium size one ending in a single point. All Nankins come in a single color, with buff on the body and black tails. The golden hue is deeper and more lustrous in males, and they have the longer sickle feathers common in cocks. Their beaks are a light horn color, and legs are slate blue.


Nankin Bantams  - Chickens Breeds

About New Hampshire ChickensNew Hampshire

New Hampshire, or New Hampshire Red, chickens were developed to be quick with eggs and heavy with meat. They tend to produce quite a lot of brown eggs each year. They mature quickly, meaning they can be fattened up and cooked much sooner than other breeds.

New Hampshire Reds are very easy to tame and are generally very friendly. They are laid back and content to just lay eggs and be raised for dinner. Despite being so relaxed, they are quite active and do well in a nice open space where they can run about and forage. When kept with their same breed, the issue of aggression doesn''t generally come up.

New Hampshire Reds are big birds with their distinctive red color with bluish or black feathers on the end of the ta ...

New Hampshire  - Chickens Breeds

About Norfolk Grey ChickensNorfolk Grey

Norfolk Grey chickens are a dual-purpose that originated in Norfolk, England, around 1910.

They were originally created by Frederick W Myhill of Hethel, Wymondham under the name Black Maria. It is believed that he used Birchen English Game and possibly Duckwing Leghorns. The game inclusion would account for the excellent meat ability and the Leghorn for the laying ability.  

During the First World War, they were allowed to free range while Myhill had departed for military service. On his return, he discovered that the birds had cross bred with other breeds and the strain had to be recreated. In 1925, Myhill applied to the Poultry Club of Great Britain in 1925 to have the name changed to Norfolk Grey as th ...

Norfolk Grey  - Chickens Breeds

About Norwegian Jaerhones ChickensNorwegian Jaerhones

Norwegian Jaerhones are auto-sexing chickens developed in the 1920s from local breeds in the Jæren district of Norway.

Jaerhones were the principal chicken breed of Norway until imports of foreign breeds began in the nineteenth century. They were selectively bred at the state-controlled breeding station at Bryne in Jaeren from its establishment in 1916 until it closed in 1973. Breeding stock were then transferred to the state agricultural college at Hvam, Nes.  

They come in two color varieties: dark brown and yellow, and light brown and yellow. They have a single comb and their beak and legs are bright yellow.

A miniature version with the same two color varieties was approved in 1994.

Jaerhones ...

Norwegian Jaerhones  - Chickens Breeds

About Old English Gam ChickensOld English Gam

Old English Game are one of the most popular show chickens with fanciers, which is fortunate because they don''t provide a lot of meat and they aren''t very good layers.  

Old English Games are quick to be trained to their handlers, becoming friendly and calm almost instantly, making them a wonderful choice to have around children. Younger roosters will fight once in a while, but this is common with most any breed. In addition, the hens are so tolerant that they have no problem sharing space with even hens of other breeds. They are perfectly fine with little space and keep fairly quiet, so they are a good choice for a residential area.  

Despite being a bantam and therefore small, Old English Games are str ...

Old English Gam  - Chickens Breeds

About Orloff ChickensOrloff

Orloff, also known as Russian Orloff, chickens are named after Alexei Grigoryevich Orlov, a Russian Count. For most of its history, the Orloff was considered to be a product of Russia and Orlov, but modern research has discovered that the breed first appeared in Persia, and was distributed across Europe and Asia by the 17th century. However, Count Orlov was a key promoter of the breed in the 19th century, and the breed became known in the West following his efforts.  

Orloffs were first introduced to Great Britain in the 1920s, and were also refined a good deal in Germany; Germans created the first miniaturized Orloff by 1925. They were once included in the American Poultry Association''s breed standard, the Standard ...

Orloff  - Chickens Breeds

About Orpingtons ChickensOrpingtons

Orpingtons are all around great birds. They can lay up to 200 eggs in a year, are thick and meaty birds for cooking, and are easily relaxed for showing. They tend to be a good choice for any chicken enthusiast just getting into the hobby or for any farmer needing a top-notch reliable chicken around the yard.  

Orpingtons are friendly and relaxed, so much so that they can be training to feed from the hand. They are perfectly content in confinement, which goes along with why they make such good show chickens. They''re very active and like to explore, yet they aren''t too concerned when there isn''t too much space to do so. They tend to like each other and don''t get into arguments or squabbles either.  

Or ...

Orpingtons  - Chickens Breeds

About Pekin Bantam ChickensPekin Bantam

Photo: Zoe Andresen with Pekin Bantam Pekin bantams are a Chinese True bantam, a breed of miniature chicken which has no large version. The first Pekins are believed to have been taken from the private collection of the Emperor of China at Peking (now known as Beijing) by British soldiers towards around 1860. However, some sources suggest that a consignment of birds from China around 1835 were given to Queen Victoria, and that these birds were bred with further imports and were developed into the breed we know today as Pekin Chickens.

Pekin bantam look like a miniature version of Cochin chickens and are often known in the United States and Canada as Cochin Bantams. However, they are unrealted.  

Pekin bantams possess a wealth of feathering abo ...

Pekin Bantam  - Chickens Breeds

About Penedesencas ChickensPenedesencas

Penedesencas are Spanish chickens that are best known for laying large qualities of brown eggs. In fact, no other breed can produce eggs as dark as the Penedesenca can. They are a rare breed, though they still work well as a meat bird due to their hearty build.

They have a very unique comb that starts as a single comb but splits into multiple combs near the back of the head. They have red ear-lobes with white centers despite laying brown eggs, red combs, and red wattles. There are four varieties, the Wheaten, the Partridge, the Crele, and the Black, each with slightly different color schemes, all with black beaks and legs, save for the Crele which has white beaks and legs.  

Penedesenca chickens are a very ac ...

Penedesencas  - Chickens Breeds

About Pepoi ChickensPepoi

Pepoi is a bantam breed. They are very common in Veneto and Friuli (North-East Italy). They are probably the only Bantam rustic breed used for production. Pepoi can be easily reared and are a good solution for the production of portion chicken. The breast has good pectoral muscles, excellent for the spit; the meat is very tasty.

Mean laying: 160-180 (rose shell, 40-45 g).Great broodiness and aptitude to chicks care.

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Pepoi  - Chickens Breeds

About Phoenixe ChickensPhoenixe

Phoenixes are a show bird more than anything; they are extremely poor egg layers and their body structure doesn''t make them very good fryers. Phoenix Chickens are best known for their tail, which can grow to almost absurd proportions. They have an average-sized single comb and medium length wattle, both a light red color. Their colorings can various wildly from silver to black to gold to red to brown. Their legs and beak are typically a light gray color.  

Phoenixes do well in confinement, which is good because they''ll need lots of codling due to their tail feathers. Their attitudes range from shy and calm to aggressive and in-your-face. Generally though they aren''t very friendly and don''t like to be pestered.   ...

Phoenixe  - Chickens Breeds

About Pita Pinta Austuriana ChickensPita Pinta Austuriana

Pita Pinta Austuriana chickens, also known as Asturian Painted Hen , belongs to the Atlantic branch of domestic chickens and has common ancestry with other breeds in northern Spain, such as the Euskal Oiloa of the Basque Country. Their name comes from the Asturian language, in which pita means "hen" and pinta meaning "painted" or “mottled”.  

With the industrialization of egg production in Asturias in the 1950s and 1960s, the number of Pita Pinta Austuriana chickens dropped dramatically, almost to the point of extinction. They started to recover between 1980 and 1990. A breeders'' association, the Asociación de Criadores de la Pita Pinta Asturiana, was founded in 2003; its 52 members have a total of 1842 birds. In 2 ...

Pita Pinta Austuriana  - Chickens Breeds

About Plymouth Rock ChickensPlymouth Rock

Plymouth Rock chickens were developed in New England in the middle of the 19th century as a dual-purpose fowl, meaning that they are valued both for their meat and for the hens'' egg-laying ability. The first Plymouth Rock was barred and other varieties were developed later.

Plymouth Rock chickens were first exhibited as a breed in 1849. Several people claimed its invention, using crosses of Dominiques, Black Javas, Cochins, and perhaps Malays and Dorkings. John C. Bennett (1804–1867) has been credited with either creating or popularizing the breed.

Plymouth Rock chickens became popular very rapidly, and until World War II no breed was as popular in the United States as the Barred Plymouth Rock. They became so widely ...

Plymouth Rock  - Chickens Breeds

About Polish ChickensPolish

Polish (also known as Padovana of Chili or Polish Frizzles), chickens have a huge bouffant crest of feathers and a v-shaped comb.

Though the derivation of the Polish breed is unclear, one theory suggests that their ancestors were brought by Asian Mongols to Eastern Europe during medieval times, and thus, could have originated in Poland. It is also believed that immigrants could have brought the breed''s predecessors from Spain or Italy in the late 16th century. The Polish was standardized in the Netherlands and declared a thoroughbred in the 16th century. Chickens bearing a strong resemblance to the Polish can be seen in paintings from the 15th century, and they were extensively portrayed in Dutch and Italian paintings ...

Polish  - Chickens Breeds

About Poltavas ChickensPoltavas

Poltavas are an old Ukrainian dual-purpose chicken named after the Ukrainian city of Poltava. It is believed that they were developed from local chicken breeds.  

They are found in Clay (the most common), Cuckoo, and Black. The tips of their flight feathers are black and their tail is brown-black. Roosters have a lighter neck than hens. Chicks are covered in light brown fuzz. They are very resistant and adapt easily to any conditions. The rooster weighs about 3 kg, and hens weigh about 2 kg. They lay around 160-215 brown eggs per year.  

They are mainly used small ranches since their egg product and size is not attractive for commercial use.

Poltavas  - Chickens Breeds

About Polverara ChickensPolverara

Polverara chickens stand as a testament to Italy''s rich poultry heritage, originating from the ancient village of Polverara in the Padua region. Dating back to the 15th century, they are also known as "Padovana di Polverara," "Schiatta di Polverara," or simply "Schiatta." There''s a debate among poultry historians about whether Polverara chickens are the ancestors of the Padovana breed or vice versa, highlighting their historical significance in Italian poultry breeding.

Despite their storied past, Polverara chickens faced near-extinction at one point, with their numbers dwindling. However, efforts are underway to revive this heritage breed, and it is officially recognized as a traditional product by the Italian Department of Ag ...

Polverara  - Chickens Breeds

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